A P a r t O f M y
L i f e
Well, where should I start? I think I should start with
conception.... When my Mother was 32 she was still a virgin till
she met up with my Father who was 30 or so.... The conception
took place in a trailer in New Hampshire.... The song that was
played was the hit song by Rod Stuart in 1976 the day was
November 13th about 11:00pm... My Mother was listing to the song
on the way to New Hampshire to my Fathers from Mass.... Nine
Months later My Twin Sister and I where born August 1st 1977 I
was born at 2:01am and she was born at 2:08 7 mins apart.... I
was born with my head cocked to the side because they pulled my
head out with metal rods then I stuck my thumb in my mouth and
kept it there for 11 years, but I am still going to talk about my
younger years....
When I was 3 years old the first memory I had was of my baby
sitter saying to me you can do two things, either go out side and
play or watch the elephant man, it was raining out that day so I
did not feel like going out but I did not want to watch the
elephant man, but I watched the elephant man anyway and had
nightmares for a week... Then when I was five years old my twin
and I went to Chucky Cheese and got lots of tokens from the place
where you jump around in all the colored balls, we had a lot of
fun..... Then when I was 7 I started walking around the nabor
hood and checking things out, I could cross the street then and I
would go to the park I remember one time when my twin ran real
fast into a pole, I carried her home cuz she split her head
In 1986 my uncle moved to California and asked us if we wanted to
come out there. My Mother and twin and I agreed to go we where
excited about it. Then we went there and saw the red woods and
the Ocean... I loved the red woods they where so big and
beautiful and we saw the two golden bears they where neat... Then
when we got home the space shuttle blue up and I cried for
days... Why do they have to leave there is no purpose just to get
killed and lose you mussels while up in space floating around...
When I was 10 years old I remember almost ketching a blue ball,
but I couldn't so it snapped my pinky finger and I laughed so
hard all the way home and my Mother said we have to go to the
hospital, so we did and all as they did was pull it and it went
back to normal then they put a splint on it for like a week...
When I was 11 years old I
got my second bike and road all around the city. I would go to
the beach and I would go to a place called mount hood in Melrose
Mass... After a while I got a radio that I could put on my bike
that was fun to ride around and listen to... I would also carry a
pump on me at all times because sometimes my tire would go flat
and my Mother did not like it when I rode on the rim...
In 1987 my mother got a video camera and we taped our selves
doing a hole bunch of things it was a lot of fun. I would do
magic shows and dance around I love to dance... My Mother would
take the video camera everywhere to tape my twin and I... My twin
and I would have shows for people that wanted to come...
In 1988 my Mother took my twin and I on a trip to Wisconsin we
taped a lot of the trip. We have a lot of laughs and good
times... We went with the nabors and rented a motor home... When
we got to Wisconsin I saw my half brother and his kids... His
name is Doug he was a fire fighter at the time so he took me
around and showed me a lot of things that go on with all of that.
Then I remember having a campfire and we toasted marshmallows...
In 1991 I moved to the sunny state of Florida we all drove down
from Mass and got a smaller place then we had in Mass it was
annoying at first but we got used to it. I would walk down to the
river a lot and go up the lighthouse and hang out there. The top
of the lighthouse was small you could only fit like 3 kids like
13 years old in it. After a while I would go fishing with
whatever I had that my Mom would let me use... And let them
Then I turned 15 and could drive with my Mother in the car. Then
I turned 16 and got a car and drove all around had a few
accidents, then I learned how to drive so I took longer trips
Then I turned 17 and met my father for the first time in my life.
He sent me tickets to come meet him so I did and had a great
time. I got to ask my Father most of the things that I always
wondered about him. Then I left and went back to FL. After a
while later my twin and I went to Disney world with my father and
his wife and son.
Then in 1995 I got beat
up for the first time in my life. I let it happen I just stud
there and remember spinning around and then I got up from the
ground and felt my eye it was not able to see. So then I walked
over to the seven eleven with the help of God because I could
barley walk, but I made it across the street. I called my Mother
and she came out to get me. Then we checked out a clinic and I
started to through up. So the people said I needed to go to the
hospital. Then on the way I was praying with all my might and we
made it to the Hospital. I was in the hospital for 3 days in
intensive care.
Then I graduated from high school and was so happy to be done
with school.
In 1996 I started with gardening I had a lot of plants that I was
tending to I found a fichus tree in a tree that needed to come
out of there because Edison planted many of them around the area.
The tree grows ruts from the branches and seems to thrive well in
FL. I had many other plants but I favored the fichus tree because
it if from another area.
Then in 1998 I moved back to Boston MA and stayed at my cosines
house. She had a dog called Oreo that used to sleep with me at
night. As I was there I was going to Collage in Boston the
Collage was called Bunker Hill Community Collage I took acting
classes there. I went to school there for about a year and a
2000 Missing my Mother I moved back to FL and got my own place
with a pool and it was right by a seven eleven :-) This place had
a lot of action because I had a lot of friends moving about in
and out of the Apt. I would walk to my Mothers house every day to
see her she was 6 miles there and back. I started to pray a lot
more then I did before...
Then in 2001 7 days before September 11th I started freaking
out... I wanted to go to New York but I did not know why my
sister lived there and I just had a bad feeling. I called the
President and I do not remember what I said but I wanted to go to
New York. Then I went to my Mothers house and told her what I
wanted to do and the cops showed up at my Moms house. So they
decided to send me to the hospital. Then seven days later the
towers where hit and I freaked out. When I got out of the
hospital I felt free as a bird and the funny thing is a dove left
my chest and left hair marks of a dove flying on my chest... If
you want to see about it and see my chest you can go to this link
YouTube - God Bless This
Mess enjoy...
2002 Started making my own computer videos with friends. The
famous Abe Sausage king of Chicago was one of the first ones and
most people like it, it came from the movie Ferris Bulers Day
off. Ferris Bulers day off was the first film I heard the F word.
2002 was also the year that I first made the web page.
May of 2003 Still walking with God and then a friend of mine
asked me if I could give her friend a ride so I accepted the
offer and said why not. Knowing that I am still afraid of cars I
drove. There was a man with a van that was in the place where I
needed to go so the man then pulled out of the spot so I had to
do the same because he had a big van and it was a small spot we
could not fit. So once I pulled out a lady doing 60 miles an hour
hit us and we spun around and around and my head went back and
forth back and forth once I got out of the car and saw the damage
the car was totaled. The whole back end was smashed in you could
not drive it. I felt better then I had in all my life. God was
with me all the way... The lady that hit us had been drinking.
2004 the year my mother died even though I was still expecting
it, it is still very hard. I love her so much. I feel her living
in me. God planted a seed in me for her to grow. She would always
glow. She loves me so...... I will close for now and I will keep
you posted....
God bless you all
© 2005 James P. Mahan
All Rights Reserved.